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Hotel industry information-based solutions

    With the further opening up markets, the hotel industry is becoming increasingly heated. Hotel management level and service quality is the ability to win customers, stable source of the determining factors, and the use of information technology network is to improve the management of an important means. How to use IT technology to provide a more effective information-sharing network, the refinement of the internal management, providing customers with a good security environment for Internet access, the hotel business is the development of information technology must face.

At present, the hotel industry in information technology when they encountered major problems:
    1) Hotels for upgrading information technology is bound to have a huge investment, affecting the determination of the hotel information.
    2) As the number of application software and hardware equipment, decentralized systems, integration is not high, the impact of the application.
Based on the above industry needs and demand characteristics, we can see that the hotel industry in information technology when building a stronger awareness of information technology, but also realize the vital need for information technology, but in the process of informatization in the hope of a "low Cost, high-integration, the availability of strong, and ease of use "solution.
    Guilin Wencui Software Development Co., Ltd. launched a comprehensive information-based services platform - Wensoft Web services platform to quickly meet the hotel industry's demand for information technology.
Network topology are as follows:

     Embedded servers were deployed in the network gateway hotel exit, As Figure:
    1、 Host broadband firewall protection, network access control behavior management, virus filtering, spam filtering and so on.
    2、 From the physical network into the office network and customer base of the two networks;
    3、 DHCP server automatically distribute IP, Internet plug-and-play customer at the same time the two lines selected backup each other to ensure the stability of the non-stop route network;
    4、 The deployment of the hotel site and blog on-line forum for the realization of the exchange;
    5、Scalable deployment of the hotel business management system, hotel reservations, check-out, finance, customer information, such as information sharing;s     6、 The deployment of FTP, file servers, file sharing, remote download, in-house information-sharing;
    7、 The establishment of hotel services, e-mail system;
    8、 VPN set up branch networks, remote Internet security, the exchange of data;
    9、 Automatic data backup system, to be perfectly safe data backup program;



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